Social Anxiety Self-Assessment


This self-assessment questionnaire is designed to help you better understand your experiences with social anxiety. By reflecting on the specific situations that may cause discomfort or fear, you’ll gain valuable insights into how social anxiety could be affecting your daily life and interactions.

Upon completing the questionnaire, you will receive:

  • A Total Social Anxiety Score: This will indicate the overall intensity of your social anxiety.
  • Detailed Subcategory Scores: These scores will provide insights into different aspects of social anxiety, helping you identify specific areas where you may experience challenges.



  1. Read each statement carefully and reflect on how much it applies to you.
  2. Use the provided rating scale to indicate your response:
    • Not at all characteristic of me
    • Slightly characteristic of me
    • Moderately characteristic of me
    • Very characteristic of me
    • Extremely characteristic of me
  3. Be honest and spontaneous in your responses—there are no right or wrong answers.

Before you begin, please note that this test is designed for your personal reflection. We do not collect or store any of your responses - they will remain anonymous and confidential.


Important Note:

This assessment is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. If you have concerns about your mental health or would like further guidance, please consult a qualified mental health professional.